Spike Test

Spike Test

What is Spike Test?

A performance test known as a “spike test” mimics an abruptly high demand on the server for a brief period of time. This kind of non-functional test aids in determining how a software system will act in the event of an unanticipatedly large load. The results of the spike test determine whether or not the application is capable of handling a sudden load. If so, how much load is there?

As a base load, the typical load is taken into account. In a few unique situations, the peak load takes the place of the average load and is used as the base load.

Type of Spike Test:

There are three types of Spike Test

  1. Constant Spike Test: spike tests with uniformly sized spikes can provide valuable information about how the server handles intermittent periods of high-volume load. It allows you to assess the server’s responsiveness, stability, and ability to recover during these stress points, contributing to overall performance optimization and ensuring a smooth user experience.
  • Step-up Spike Test: After a set amount of time, the server is subject to a progressive rise in load for a shorter period of time. Response time should be measured during this sort of test at each spike and its deviation from baseload response time should be examined.
  • Random Spike Test: The server experiences sporadic spike loads at odd times. An application that often experiences spikes in the production environment is the subject of such a test.

How to calculate Spike Load?

The business analyst examines the historical data to see whether any of the unexpected surges have previously occurred. He proposes the number of users for a spike load based on his investigation. By examining the demands of the business, he may also forecast the figures. For instance, if a business intends to hold a flash sale or one-minute sale, it is necessary to estimate the spike load based on the number of registered and active users. A business analyst should be aware that there are several ways to calculate the spike load. Performance testers do not have to execute this assignment. It is the duty of a performance tester to create the workload model in accordance with the demands of spike tests.


  • Check the application’s viability under the sudden, enormous load
  • Determine the response time divergence during spike load.
  • Check the transactions’ failure rate.
  • Determine the error type, such as 500, 504, etc.
  • In case the application is unavailable during a spike, take note of the application’s recovery time.
  • Determine whether any bottlenecks exist.
  • Verify that even during the spike time, the resources (CPU, Memory, and Disc) do not exceed the stated performance limit.


In the area of performance testing, the spike test is an optional test. Although uncommon in the production environment, spike test scenarios are inevitable. If a significant increase in output is seen, an inquiry is necessary. The identical circumstance is simulated in the performance test environment throughout the inquiry to pinpoint the root problem.

Application reaction time during the spike phase is a crucial parameter in the performance test results. Along with the sort of problems and application recovery time, the performance tester must pay close attention to the break (failure) point of the program (if there is one). This kind of problem gives a clue as to whether the program is completely unavailable or whether certain of its weaker features are being affected by unexpected spikes, as well as the cause of failure. The root cause analysis aids in pinpointing the precise problem.

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