Insights on Cloud-Based Performance Testing

Insights on Cloud-Based Performance Testing


Over ten years after the division of QA & Dev duties, which proved to have significant advantages, traditional load testing techniques were still being used. Although this practice has been used for a while, there is still debate over the high expense associated with it. Cloud-based performance testing is a novel strategy that will drastically lower total expenses without sacrificing important consumer advantages (such as quality and brand value).

Perspectives on Conventional (On-Premise) Load Testing

According to conventional methods, performance testing is often carried out on-site using a test infrastructure configuration that is established on a dedicated LAN environment. This testing activity is also carried out after the conclusion of the SDLC cycle, which frequently fails to address actual production problems because of scope creep.

Challenges Faced in Traditional (On-prem) Load Testing

Costly upfront: Traditional (On-premise) load testing requires purchasing and establishing all test-related infrastructures at the beginning of the contract. This resulted in higher maintenance and infrastructure costs. Despite well-constructed earlier budget projections, there is always a potential that costs may rise, servers will be underutilized, or both.

Time-consuming and difficult tasks: For typical load testing, test build setup will take more time and effort. If not handled effectively, configuration management may get complicated and can result in schedule slippages & poor judgments.

Missing to Mimic Production Environment: In the case of conventional load testing, the test infrastructure setup will not accurately sync up with production since the required hardware configuration or other components are not available.

Adoption of agile approaches is lacking: On-site testing is less adaptable to requirement (Application or infrastructure) changes driven by client demands. since of this, load testing is challenging for systems that adhere to agile life cycles since it interferes with continuous testing efforts, which ultimately renders performance test results irrelevant or outdated.

Key Core Benefits of Cloud-Based Load Testing

  • Quick Scale of Infrastructure: Enterprise performance testing may quickly produce peak loads thanks to the efficiency of cloud-based infrastructure. Additionally, cloud data centers contain a high number of computing resources that make it easier to provision virtual machines for testing quickly. For instance, cloud suppliers offer an auto-scaling function that makes it simpler to scale infrastructure up or down in response to current load demands. This will go a long way toward resolving performance problems brought on by test infrastructure availability.
  • Global Availability: Global infrastructure capabilities offered by cloud suppliers allow for the automatic deployment of test machines across several regions. This will enable us to test for various fluctuations in network capacity and faithfully simulate the behavior of actual users. For instance: If different geographies, such as the US, UK, Australia, etc., utilize different test applications, then test machines may be installed in all different areas, which would help to represent true test simulations.
  • Pay-as-you-go model: One major benefit of using the cloud is this. Billing based on use will make it easier to pay for just the services that are really used. Our ability to scale resources up and down as necessary would enable us to lower the total cost of testing. Cloud service providers offer a wide range of tools like cost management and cost explorer that provide monthly reporting on costs based on usage by specific account IDs. For instance, in the event of shorter-duration test runs, specific services might be purchased & used for load testing. By doing this, we may avoid incurring significant upfront fees.
  • Quick time to build: Cloud suppliers offer a range of templates & tools that enable application deployment into the cloud in a matter of minutes rather than days or hours. The cloud’s auto-deployment functionality makes it simpler to connect different cloud-hosted apps with CI and CD pipeline tools.
  • Multi-Device Support Testing: In addition to testing web-based apps, cloud suppliers also offer solutions for testing applications that are based on mobile or other emulation devices. This makes testing apps across several devices simpler. For instance, load generators needed for support across browsers & different mobile devices during load testing may be easily acquired in the cloud, which helps with incorrect modeling of real-world tests.
  • Environment Stability and Reliability: For their infrastructure, the majority of cloud companies guarantee 99.99% stability & dependability. Because of this, we are forced to put less emphasis on continuous load testing and less emphasis on maintenance jobs or server failovers. A solid, robust, and trustworthy environment, for instance, enables testing of longer-duration (Soak/Endurance) runs without any infra glitches.

Cloud Load Testing Tools

  1. BlazeMeter
  2. Micro Focus StromRunner Load
  3. SOASTA Cloud Test
  4. SmartBear Load Complete
  5. LoadImpact
  6. LoadStorm

Cloud Load test Life Cycle

Finalise Performance Test Scenarios in Step 1: Creating test scenarios is the same for all situations. The same procedure will be used, covering crucial business flows and transactions much like we do with on-premises load testing.

The second step is to find cloud vendors. There are several cloud suppliers on the market right now. Popular cloud service providers include AWS, Azure, and GCP. Performance testing may be conducted with one or more cloud suppliers, depending on the requirements of the test environment and the objectives of the customer.

Third-step product migration to the cloud is referred to as “deploying test infrastructure to the cloud.” Application readiness should be extensively examined in terms of software updates and code version compatibility to make sure they operate flawlessly in the cloud.

Execute Performance Test Runs in Step 4 The cloud also supports all load tests that are run locally. For test execution on the cloud, the same technique may be used. The main benefit of cloud testing is the ability to provision test computers anywhere in the world. There are also several SaaS-based load testing solutions on the market that may be investigated and used in accordance with the viability of requirements. Cloud-based load testing technologies may be simply & easily linked with automation build systems like Jenkins, Bamboo, etc., facilitating seamless CI & CD test runs.

Cloud suppliers offer a variety of monitoring tools to check on the health of cloud resources, such as Cloud Watch in AWS. Step 5 – Monitor, Analyse, and Share Results. The right integration of performance monitoring tools in a cloud environment that monitors multiple test infrastructure components in the cloud has to be verified. Making use of APM tools It is possible to monitor cloud computers locally to reduce any dangers associated with employing cloud-based solutions. We use the same methodology for results collection and sharing as we use for on-premise performance testing.

Different Approaches for Deploying Load Tests in Cloud

  1. Target Machines (LAN) Vs Load Generators (Cloud)
  2. Full Infra Setup in Cloud

The target system can be either inside or outside of the cloud, and the aforementioned methods explain installing a test agent on the cloud. Testers may manage all test-related tasks by controlling cloud-based test devices through a console.

Cloud Load Testing Entry Criteria

Software Concurrency: Maintaining a code base that is compatible with either N or N-1 of any supporting technology stack (such as RHEL, TLS, Node JS, WebLogic, JBoss, Apache, Oracle, PostGre SQL, etc.) is essential in the cloud. The ‘Deprecated’ and ‘End-of-Life’ versions of any supporting software in the cloud will receive either no support at all or very little support.

Isolate Database Reads: Any operational reporting requirements in the cloud must be met exclusively by area only ODS database instance. This must be taken into account in all cloud hosting activities, and it is important to make the OLTP system as BAU-friendly as possible to guarantee excellent throughput and performance.

Limit PL/SQL code & Alter Performance Criteria for DB: All teams should relocate their stored procedures, functions, and triggers out of the database layer in the cloud and retain all any-to-all business logic in the application tier. Both network latency and storage costs would be significantly reduced as a result. Code that is kept in the database should run in less than 20 milliseconds and should have been tested with full production-sized data and transaction volumes. Only batch jobs that are scheduled outside of regular business hours are eligible for an exception.


Cloud-based load testing might get complicated if conditions are not right. Utilizing the proper strategy and technique would help manage activities in a controlled manner.

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