What does come under ‘Response Time’?

What does come under ‘Response Time’?

Response time is the period of time between pressing a button on a website and receiving all of the data from the server at the user’s end. Also known as end-to-end reaction time. Response time may be viewed as a single unit when you are a performance tester. The reaction time number, however, represents the total of several more little units or individual answers. A performance engineer must comprehend, examine, and optimize the component-level reaction time in order to maximize the end-to-end response time. A performance tester may choose to disregard the component level response time. Let’s attempt to comprehend what is meant by a straightforward “Response Time.”

The overall response time of a web request comprises of:

  1. Network Delay
  2. Server Processing Time

Network Time (delay) or Latency:

Network Time (or delay) is the amount of time it takes for a request to go from the client to the server and back to the client through a network. Suppose a request travels from the client to the server in 0.2 seconds, and the server responds in 0.22 seconds. In this case, the total network time or delay is 0.42 seconds (=0.2 + 0.22). You can further divide network latency into the following categories:

The time it takes for routers to parse packet headers at the node level

The amount of time a packet spends in a routing queue.

The amount of time it takes a router to push a packet’s bits onto a connection is known as the transmission delay.

Delay in propagation: The time required for a signal to reach its destination

Server Time: 

Server time, often known as processing time, is the length of time it takes a server to complete a request. The overall server time is calculated by adding the queue time and the separate server answers (web, app, DB, etc.).

Queue Time: Requests are subject to a queue time delay after they start to wait in a queue before being processed when they arrive at a busy resource and cannot be handled immediately.

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