Performance Test Reporting

What is Performance Test Reporting?

The performance test reporting phase presents a comprehensive test result, a test analysis, and suggestions to the project team or customer. The Performance Test Report document, which is the phase’s output, aids in making the GO/NO-GO decision for the entire application or a particular business flow.

Purpose of the Performance Test Report:

Performance Test Report comprises of:

  1. A detailed description of performance test results
  2. GO/NO-GO decision
  3. Observations and findings
  4. Recommendations
  5. Identified Defects (Detected/Closed/Open)

The Performance Test Report is a crucial document in terms of project delivery. The performance test report must be included in the project delivery closing document. The application cannot go live if the performance test result indicates a NO-GO decision, which denotes that the application is unsuitable for production.


The Final Performance Test Report must be created by the Performance Test Lead or Manager with assistance from the Performance Test Analyst or Engineer. The Performance Test Engineer’s feedback is used to quickly and thoroughly compile the report. The main and minor points noticed during the test are known to a performance test engineer who works on the ground level. These ideas might make it easier to create a flawless performance test report document.

Another duty of the Performance Test Lead or Manager is to present the report to the project team or client and obtain all necessary approvals from project stakeholders.


A performance tester compiles all the findings and creates the final performance test report once all the performance test cycles have been finished. When creating the Final Performance Test Report, the following considerations should be made:

  1. Use Simple (layman) language in the report
  2. Provide a summary of the overall test cycle
  3. Mention the GO / NO-GO status
  4. Justify the reason for either of the cases (in point 3)
  5. Check whether all the related NFRs meet or not
  6. Mark Pass / Fail to individual test
  7. Give a detailed description of defects along with the current status
  8. Provide proper and accurate recommendations
  9. Attach all the relevant artifacts for individual test
  10. Highlight the performance risk (if any)

GO / NO-GO Decision:

The choice of whether to make an application live or not is referred to as the GO or NO-GO status. It shows whether or not the application’s performance meets the specified NFRs. To determine if something is a go or no-go, consider the following:

GREEN: The overall test result is displayed as GREEN, which denotes the start of the process when all tests pass the established NFRs. It means that the project or application may go live and is effective from a performance standpoint.

AMBER: The overall test result is labeled as AMBER when some of the tests do not meet the established NFRs. The performance test manager must therefore:

  1. Analyze the criticality of the functionality
  2. Calculate the deviation of test results from the defined NFRs
  3. Understand the nature of defects
  4. Calculate the percentage of breached NFRs
  5. Investigate the cause of errors
  6. Identify the associated risk (in case of Go-live)

RED: The overall test result is indicated as RED, which denotes NO-GO when all tests fail to fulfill the specified NFRs. It means that from the perspective of performance, the application or project is not suitable for production.

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