Client-Side Result

Client-Side Result Analysis

Client-side performance test numbers reflect how the application may behave in the real world for an end-user. Client-side Result Analysis is the name given to the analysis of such statistics and graphs. These statistics and graphs are produced by a performance testing tool and examined by a performance tester as a result of the test. By looking at the client-side metrics, any performance problems, such as slow reaction times, etc., may be found. You may quickly filter out the application’s untuned pages and requests by studying the client-side result. By focusing on the search, client-side result analysis serves as the starting point for the examination of the underlying cause.

Basic graphs and stats come under Client-side Results:

  1. User Graph
  2. Average Response Time of each transaction/request
  3. 90th, 95th and 99th Percentile Response Time
  4. Transactions/Hits per second
  5. Data Throughput
  6. Error Rate
  7. Connection Rate

Generic steps to analyze Client-side results:

  • Open the test result: While some programs just provide reports, others include specialized analytic tools. Numerous functions, like a filter, combine, correlate, etc., are available in the specialized analysis tool. But the program that merely creates reports does not have these possibilities.
  • Validate the SLA/NFR: Check to see if the NFR (non-functional requirement) or SLA (service level agreement) has been satisfied. You will get a general sense of the test’s pass/fail status after using this validation method.
  • Filter out the untuned transactions/requests: List the requests or transactions that violated the SLA/NFR. You may also utilize the tool’s filter option (if it’s included in the test). You may narrow your search and begin your root cause study by filtering the unsuccessful transactions.
  • Read the Error Graph:  Verify the error message and understand whether it’s client-side (HTTP 4XX), server-side (HTTP 5XX), or any other issue.
  • Merge the graphs: Merge the client-side result graphs to begin the inquiry. Usually, a response time, throughput, and TPS graph are combined with an error graph. This step requires you to concentrate on the time period during which the mistake occurred and to make a note of how the programme behaved during that time.
  • Get the clue: Examine the combined graphs and gather any information that can aid in your study.


Client-side Test Result Analysis could be the starting point of the bottleneck investigation but you can not conclude the result only on the basis of this. You have to analyse server-side results too so that the exact root cause can be identified.

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