How to install Apache JMeter?
JMeter is a 100% Java desktop application and the latest version requires a JVM version 8 or higher to run. Apache JMeter requires JDK/JRE as a prerequisite. Follow these simple steps to learn how to install Apache JMeter:
1. Verify or install JDK/JRE: Please refer to the links below to verify JDK/JRE on your system OR install JDK/JRE on different operating systems:
Windows OS:
1.Download JMeter: You can download the latest version of Apache JMeter by clicking the below link:
- Installation of JMeter: JMeter installation is quite simple and easy. The zip/tar file should only be unzipped to the location where JMeter will be saved (installed). You don’t have to deal with a tedious installation screen! All you have to do is extract the file.