
The timer is one of several components in JMeter that imitate real-world thread (or virtual user) behavior. A normal user always clicks, waits, reads, and then enters information while exploring a website. ‘Think Time’, as used in performance testing, refers to the period of time a user spends on a website before entering any data. Simulating actual user behavior that makes users wait between interactions with a web application is what “Think Time” stands for.

Scope of JMeter Timer:

1. Global Timer Scope: All of the thread groups in a test plan, including individual samplers, receive pause (think) time when a timer is introduced to the test plan.

Execution Flow:

2. Thread Group Level Timer Scope: All samplers included in the same thread group receive the same amount of pause (think) time when a timer is introduced to the thread group level.

Execution Flow:

JMeter - Timer at Thread Level

3. Parental Level Timer Scope: All samplers under the parent controller and the child controller receive pause (think) time when a timer is added to the parent controller.

Execution Flow:

JMeter - Timer at Parent Level

4. Child Level Timer Scope: Only those samplers that are under the same child controller receive the pause (think) time when a timer is added to a child controller.

Execution Flow:

JMeter - Timer

5. Sampler Level Timer Scope: When a timer is added to a sampler then pause (think) time is applied to only that particular sampler.

Execution Flow:

The available JMeter Timer elements are:

  1. Bean Shell Timer
  2. Constant Throughput Timer
  3. Constant Timer
  4. Gaussian Random Timer
  5. JSR223 Timer
  6. Poisson Random Timer
  7. Synchronizing Timer
  8. Uniform Random Timer
  9. Precise Throughput Timer

Possible Parent element(s):

  1. Test Plan
  2. Thread Group
  3. Test Fragment
  4. Sampler
  5. Logic Controller
  6. Non-Test Element
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